Version 1.4.2
  1. Increased sizes of scratch vectors for local FFT tests to account for runs on systems with large main memory (reported by IBM, SGI and Intel).
  2. Reduced vector size for local FFT tests due to larger scratch space needed.
  3. Added a type cast to prevent overflow of a 32-bit integer vector size in FFT data generation routine (reported by IBM).
  4. Fixed variable types to handle array sizes that overflow 32-bit integers in RandomAccess (reported by IBM and SGI).
  5. Changed time-bound code to be used by default in Global RandomAccess and allowed for it to be switched off with a compile time flag if necessary.
  6. Code cleanup to allow compilation without warnings of RandomAccess test.
  7. Changed communication code in PTRANS to avoid large message sizes that caused problems in some MPI implementations.
  8. Updated documentation in README.txt and README.html files.

MD5 sum: c0f5a1d4bbfe8e4079d7ed62a05d1dbd

hpcc-1.4.2.tar.gz   Download

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